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Five tips for getting organized for Back-to School

by Kelly Hughes on August 01, 2022

Going back to school is a hectic time of the year. Getting ready for that first new day of the school year inevitably involves plenty of time and planning. Getting organized will help any mom stay sane as the school year rapidly approaches. Here are five key tips for how you can get organized for the return of school.

Back to School supplies

Write It Down

Getting organized is all about providing some structure to your thinking. Writing down to-do lists, plans for the day or week, and list of needed supplies is a simple yet effective way to bring some needed clarity to what is often a stressful, busy time. This is why notepads and clipboards can be an invaluable aid in getting ready for back-to-school.

Buy School Supplies

Depending upon their age, your child may need anything from crayons to a calculator for the new school year. The supplies needed can change every year, so be sure to get a list of what exactly is required from your child's school. And don't forget to label your books with our personalized stickers!

Reset Schedules

Summertime often means waking up later than during the school year. Older kids in particular are likely to be on a late routine. Shifting back into school mode will be much easier if you reset to the appropriate schedule early. You don't want your child to be cranky and tired for the start of the new school year.

Buy New Clothes

Children are constantly growing. Back-to-school is the perfect time to update your child's wardrobe, and to make sure they look nice for that first day back. Buying clothes is especially important if your child's school has a uniform.

Take Care of Paperwork

The new school year usually means a variety of forms and documents that must be filled out and submitted in advance of the first day. Contact your child's school to see what paperwork is required from you.

Being organized is vital to having a smooth return to the school year, for both you and your child. Keep your frustration and stress to a minimum this year by following the five tips above!


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